Links for Login
The information below is for student logins.
An example for John Smith with the student ID 1234567 and birthdate 1/1/2001
Canvas - use your Jajags Google account:
username: for example:
password: Last name capitalized Student ID for example: Smith1234567
How to Login Video
Go to jajags Instructure to login
Canvas Parent login information
Infinite Campus:
username=student ID for example: 1234567
password= for new students initially Ja and 8 digit birthdate (mmddyyyy) for example: Ja01012001
You can reset this password here/ For more info click here
Jajags Google account:
username: for example:
password: Last name capitalized Student ID for example: Smith1234567
How to Login Video
School Windows Computers:
username: last first initial for example: smithj
password: Ja Student ID for example: Ja1234567
Use your jajags Google login for access to Naviance