Social Studies Department
Mission: The JA Social Studies team has as its core duty to model appropriate and healthy citizenship, foster adequate knowledge of history, and to educate students to understand the responsibilities that come with being civically minded in this 21st century through a combination of reading, writing, collaboration, and critical thinking skills.
Social Studies Core Classes
Junior High:
7th grade- 20th Century American History
8th grade- World Revolutions
High School:
9th grade- World History (General or Honors level) and World Geography
10th grade- American History (General or College Level)
11th grade- Western Civilization (General level) or AP European History (Advanced)
12th grade- American Government and Economics
Social Studies Elective Classes
Junior High:
Cooperation and Conflict, Mythology, History of Sport, I Love New York
High School:
WWI and WWII, Popular Culture History of the US, Colorado History

View our Curriculum Night Presentation below or click here for a PDF.
Social Studies Department Members

Mr. Bill Carwin

Mr. James Clark

Mr. Jeremy Ketcham