JA Secondary Family Newsletter

February 10, 2025  Family Newsletter 

Calendar for the week


No School for Students on Thursday February 13, Friday February 14 and Monday February 17.  Students taking FRCC classes should check with their instructors regarding classes on Thursday.  Enjoy the long weekend!!

Fee Statements: Updated fee statements will be sent this week.  Everything should be up-to-date except HS Spring Sports will not be included.  A couple reminders, parking passes are not required unless your student wants to park in the student lot.  Anything with OPT at the beginning is optional.  If you cannot find where to pay the fees, use this link for directions to pay them online: Course Fee Payment Guide.  If you have any questions about your fee statement, please reach out to  Craig Melville at cmelville@jajags.com.

Enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year: If you know that your student will not be returning to JA Secondary next year, please contact Anne Leoni at aleoni@jajags.com.  This information helps us plan our class sizes and enrollment for next year. 


Upcoming College Visits: Registration is encouraged to ensure we have enough seats, but it is not required.

  • Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah, GA, Wednesday, February 12, Library, 10:30 am. 

  • Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction, CO, Friday, February 21, Library, 10:30 am.

  • Western Colorado University, Gunnison, CO, Tuesday, March 11, Library, 9:15 am. 

  • Military Visit: United States Navy, PO1 Raymond Estrella, Thursday, February 20, Commons, during high school lunch, no sign-up needed.


How Sick is too sick? It’s the time of year when many students and families are getting sick with the flu and colds.  Staying home when sick can lower the risk of spreading infections to students and staff.  Please use the following guidelines from the CDC to know when students should stay home from school and when it is okay for them to return to school.  How sick is too sick?  


Spain and Portugal Trip Meeting: Come to our next departure meeting on Tuesday, February 11 at 5:30 pm in Spanish Room 134

Please bring to the meeting the

  • Traveler's Medical and Health Profile form

  • Tipping money ($130) dólares in an envelope with the traveler's name and

  • A copy of both sides of your passport if you have not brought it yet

NHS Supply Drive: National Honor Society is running a "share the love" package drive for new art and craft supplies to benefit Children's Hospital of Colorado.  The drive will run from February 3rd through February 12th. Students will bring items to their A-block class and a school wide competition will take place during that block. NHS will award the winning class with donuts.

Last Chance to Guarantee a Yearbook! If you have not yet ordered a yearbook, now is the time! The Yearbook teams have EXTENDED THE DEADLINE to Tuesday, February 18th.

Ready to order your yearbook? HIGH SCHOOL, JUNIOR HIGH

The teams are working hard on each book and are in the process of finalizing the order to get an appropriate number of books. This extended sale is the ONLY GUARANTEED WAY to ensure a book. While they typically order a few extra books, they have sold out the past few years. If you are planning to purchase at the end of the school year, please reconsider.

If you have any questions or are unsure if you ordered a book, it’s very quick and easy to check. Please email the appropriate staff: hsyearbook@jajags.com, jhyearbook@jajags.com

If you have already ordered, thank you so much for supporting the students and our yearbook program. They are working very hard to put together the best book possible.


High School Spring Sports: HS spring sports registration will open on Feb. 10th at noon. All athletes must have a current sports physical on file and an online registration form submitted by Feb 24th to participate. Registration will close on Feb. 24th at 10am. Late registrations may incur a late fee and the athlete will not be able to participate in tryouts on the 24th. Please submit your registration by the deadline. Register HERE.

Junior High Spring Sports: Registration for 4th quarter JH spring sports will open on Feb. 24th at noon and must be submitted before March 10th in order to participate. Register HERE.

Junior High Baseball: BASEBALL IS BACK!  Hello all 6th, 7th and 8th grade families. Are you interested in playing baseball for JA this season? Are you interested in building friendships that last a lifetime? Whether you have played baseball before on a club or are brand new to the sport, we would love to have you. We have had athletes of all different skill levels and experience with the goal to teach them how fun baseball can be and to build a program that leads to success in the High School Program. If you are interested in returning this season or are new to the program, we will have an informational night on Thursday, February 19th at 4 pm in the Secondary Commons. Please come with any questions and I look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Mr. Kirkley at nkirkley@jajags.com.

Online Ticket Sales for Home Games: For any and all home athletic events going forward, we will no longer accept cash or credit cards at the door. You must have a ticket on your phone or printed to enter. Metro passes and CHSAA passes will still be accepted. Students must have an activity pass sticker on their school ID in order to get in or they will be required to purchase a ticket. We will no longer have a list of students' names at the gate. Please encourage your student to stop by the office to get their sticker if they haven’t already done so. You can purchase your tickets here.